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Q: I just started horse riding, what do I need for myself?

First things first, the rider! When starting to rider horses and ponies, it is crucial that the rider has riding gear which will help them with their equestrian journey, keeping them safe and decreasing the risks of possible unforeseen injuries.

Below are some go-to essentials which Ronnie believes every rider should have from the get-go:

  • A hard hat with a 3-point safety strap
  • A pair of boots with a small heel
  • A pair of chaps or gaiters
  • Some long pants, jodhpurs or breeches.

Browse the shelves of Western Shoppe here:

Q: I just got my First Horse/Pony, what should I buy for them?

The excitement of getting your first horse/pony is one to never be forgotten! There are so many options out there when looking at what gear and accessories to get your new equine partner. Here are some of Ronnie’s easy go-to items to cover the basics of what you need for your horse to get the show on the road:

  • A saddle, bridle and a numnah.
  • A grooming kit including items such as:
    a grooming bag/box, a curry comb, a dandy brush, a hoof pick, a body brush, a mane/tail brush, a metal comb, sponge, sweat scraper, fly spray, hoof oil & shampoo
  • Boots. Depending on your horse’s needs, these might vary but we suggest the following: overreach boots, brushing/tendon boots and fetlock boots.
  • A headcollar/halter and a fly mask.

Now that the basics are covered, tune into our next catch-up session with Ronnie Healy as we see what other expert tips, tricks & go-to methods he has instore for us!

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