New pet owners
A new adventure
Owning a pet for the first time is the start of a wonderful adventure – for both of you! It can also be quite overwhelming, and it’s only natural that you will have questions about feeding, caring for and training your pet. Check out our Essentials sections – written by experts, they’ll help you look after and get to know your new best friend.
Horse essentials
Horses and ponies are majestic and beautiful – but caring for one can be rather daunting, especially if’s your first time. With expert advice, you can ensure that your equine companion is happy, healthy and well-housed, and ready to give you years of riding enjoyment.
Products for your Horse
Dog essentials
Not only do dogs make loyal and adoring friends, they’re also cute, lovable and a great excuse to get out of the house and go for a walk! Owning a dog or a puppy will add life to your years and make your kids next-level happy, but it helps if you know how to keep their tails wagging.
Products for your Dog
Cat essentials
A new cat or kitten will soon take over your heart – and your house. Learn more about how to make the new feline member of your family welcome. Find tips on nutrition, litter trays, toys and general cat health – everything you need to be the perfect cat owner, and keep your new cat purring with happiness.
Products for your Cat
Happy customers
Happy pet, happy life – we’re delighted to be able to share some of our customers’ experiences of our products and service…