Revolution Puppy/Kitten. Each box contains 3 pipettes.
Easy to apply and quick to dry, REVOLUTION for puppies and kittens is a monthly, spot on treatment that protects them against a variety of common internal and external parasites from the age of 8 weeks. Suitable for puppies and kittens weighing up to 2.5 kg.
- Kills adult fleas
- Kills ticks
- Prevents flea eggs from hatching
- Prevents and controls flea infestations
- Treats and controls ear mites
- Treats intestinal roundworm
- Treats lice infestations
- Treats hookworm in kittens
- Treats sarcoptic mange in puppies
REVOLUTION is quick-drying, non-greasy and waterproof, with no unpleasant odour, so you can cuddle and play with your pet as soon as the product dries.Bathing your pet 2 hours after application does not reduce the effectiveness of REVOLUTION.
Revolution offers litter protection in kittens and puppies against flea and worm infestations afterbirth. It may also aid in the control of existing environmental flea infestations in areas to which the animal has access.