Capstone Electrolyte.
A horse’s optimum health and peak performance depends on many factors, one of which is feed supplementation. The lack of adequate vitamins, minerals and micro nutrients can be a limiting factor in the horse not achieving his ultimate level of performance as can a deficiency in electrolytes.
Capstone Horse Electrolytes (CHE) is a new and advanced electrolyte replacer suitable for all performance horses. CHE is manufactured by NuTec SA (Pty) Ltd from stable ingredients that are well absorbed in the horse’s stomach. Electrolytes are essential to the performance horse and it is critical that electrolyte preparations are properly formulated to meet the horse’s specific needs. CHE provides a blend of electrolytes in a balanced formulation that closely matches those lost in horse sweat. The regular use of CHE is extremely effective in helping to prevent loss of performance due to electrolyte deficiency or imbalance. CHE replenishes the electrolytes that have been lost through sweating during hard workouts, as a result of travel or on hot humid days.
Before using an electrolyte preparation, users are advised to evaluate the product and to ensure that useful amounts of the critical electrolytes are being supplied.
The daily amount of CHE given should be adjusted according to the amount of sweat loss by the horse. A feeding level guide of CHE in grams per horse per day is as follows:
For maintenance purposes & light exercise: 30g
For moderate work & sweat: 60g
For heavy work & sweat: 90g
It is recommended that CHE be given after work, competition or racing, preferably sprinkled over “moist” feed. The horse must always have access to fresh clean water. CHE can also be given by a veterinarian in an isotonic solution (balanced concentration of electrolytes per litre of water equivalent to the horses internal fluid system) and not a hypertonic solution (too much